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Elections, Etc.

Writings on election administration, campaigns, and APSA/POP

Articles and Book Chapters


"Innovations in Information Technology in American Party Politics Since 1960," World Social Science Forum Montreal, October 12-15, 2013.
Surveys the history of computer usage in party politics and campaigns. Published in English in the Russian-language Proceedings of the Conference on "Political Design in Social Communications," Moscow, October 31-November 1, 2013, published in English in the Russian-language publication, TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION SELECTED COMPANIES' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXPERIENCE), (Moscow, 2013), pp. 141-173; also in Guy Lachapelle and Philippe J. Maarek (eds), Political Parties in the Digital Age: The Impact of New Technologies in Politics (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2015), pp. 9-41.
"Party Politics and POP," in Party Politics, (May, 2009), 259-263.
Describes how the journal, Party Politics became associated with the Political Organizations and Parties Section of the American Political Science Association.
"Founding POP: The Origins of Our APSA Section," VOX POP, 26 (Spring, 2008), pp. 1 and 3.
Describes the origin and history of the Political Organizations and Parties Section of the American Political Science Association


"Financing Election Campaigns in the United States," in Election Management (Seoul: National Electoral Commission, 2005), pp. 195-213.
Summarizes state laws on financing election campaign and U.S. national election finance laws.
Papers and Addresses


"The International Comparative Political Parties Project: 1980 to 2000," presented at the "Political Organizations and Parties Section of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C.
Political Parties: A Cross-National Survey, was published in 1980, but the quantitative data on 158 parties in 53 countries were publicly available in 1979, when the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research released the data as Study 7534 and published its accompanying codebook, Comparative Political Parties Data 1950-1962. Numerous scholars and students subsequently obtained and used the data files from the ICPSR, but the data codes cannot be thoroughly understood apart from the parent reference book. (Go to the Data section of this website for access to an SPSS file for easy analysis.)


"Presidential Elections in Russia and the United States: Is Majority Popular Vote Desirable?" Paper delivered at the Conference on Political Analysis, Institute of Socio-Political Research, Moscow, December 10-14, 1991.
Russia faces many challenges to its young democracy. I will address only two key problems: (1) achieving democracy within the framework of a presidential form of government, and (2) avoiding the development of a fractionalized multiparty system.


"Let's Have a Party: The Republican Presence in the 1980 Election,"
prepared for delivery at the 1981 Meeting of the Illinois Political Science Association, Loyola University, Chicago, October 23 24.
Book Reviews


Irwin F. Gellman,
Campaign of the Century: Kennedy, Nixon, and the Election of 1960, New Haven: Yale, 2022, 473 in Party Politics, 29 (2023), pp.194-195.


Herbert E. Alexander (ed.)
"Campaign Money: Reform and Reality in the States," Daily Northwestern (December 1, 1996)